viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008

Black hole found at center of Galaxy

(News III)
German extraterrestial phyisics had descovered a proof of a supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy thanks to a 16 year long study made in Chile an recollecting statistics from telescopes.
The long study delivered the astronomers a empirical and undoubtable proof that super massive blackholes really do exist. It also enabled the astronomers to calculate the distance from the Earth to the center of our galaxy mesured to be about 27.000 light years, what would be like seeing a euro coin from 10.000km distance.
Genzel, the german astronomer from bavarian Max-Planck insitute for extraterrestral phisics said the center of the galaxy was a "unique laboratory" for the study of the strong gravity, stellar dynamics and star formation with a level of detail "never possible beyond our galaxy."

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