viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008

Auto bailout bill dies in Senate (II)

The whole world is passing a bad time because of crisis. Anyway, In the US the crisis more than everywhere else affects the automobilistic industry. Companies like general motoros or Dymler Chrysler in Detroit are having big problems and Ford also is getting problems to avoid a crisis when the other two companies already are failing.
Today, the Senate decided to refuse the bailoutbill for these dying companies. The states have a 700$ financial help given by the state, but the white house such as the senate refused. It is to concider that this refusal could mean the closure because of the bankrupcy of these firms.
The senate democrats and the white house failed to find the 60 votes to end the debate to get $14 Billion bailout. It was an attempt to save the auto companies between the democrates and the republicans.
Anyway, the presindent announced that if the Congress woulkdn't do something to help Detroit where the main industries are situated and a important percentatge of the living people are working for these companie, the White House would income and do something to resolve the automobilistic crisis.

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