viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

Third Term, 1.- news!

Mass shooting in Germany A german boy just 17 years old killed on wednesday on rampage started at school 15 persons, mostly women. The boy wassaid to be shy and very closed to other peoples. the crime happend in Winneden. Students heard the tragedy happen next to them without expecting nothing. The gunman surprised the students while writing. Most of the killed students were women. 8 female students and three female teacher lost theis lives in this tragic event. One of the teaches jumped in front of a student in order to protect her.
She was killed like most of the women with an head shot. The young gunman later fleed to Wendlingen, near the small idylic town. the police opened fire and said that they injured him on his leg but the 17 year old boy could escape and was lost for three hours when the police found him. It is said that he killed his self after the rampage in his school.
It's like the massacres happened 2006 and 2003, when a 18 year old student trapped with explosive wounded students and teachers in western germany or the 16 year old student who shot his teachers before killing himself. It remebers us of so many rampages happened during the last years, and nobody seems to have learned of it.
But like everytime it ist just to late when things happens.

It's again a debate for the society about weapom laws and why they the young murders wehre moved to such drastic actions.
It's again a tragic day for the world.

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