viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008

An Inconveniant Truth

1.- Watch the trailer of the film
1.1.- What was the first impact of the film on you?

1.2.- What didn't you know about global warming that you learnt from the film and surprised you?
2.- How can we take action? Choose 5 ideas

3.- Are you ready to change your lifestyle?

The first impact of the film on me was scaring. It made me feel very frightenend of our future and what it may bring to us if we don't change fastly some habits we've got. Actually, the thing that scared me thge most was the massive dying of so many species. It's a shame that polar bears for example die as they do by drowning just because the ice isn't thick enough.

1.2.- I knew that one of the cuases of global warming was the CO2 emission and the greenhouse effect, which is a consequence of the warmth that are kept in the atmosphere as well as I knew that within the last years the temperature increased outstanding because of the greenhouse effect. But i didn't knew the rest of the facts that Al Gore explained in his film. He actually explained better in what all the things are happening consists and even if it first of all devasted me and, as i think the other viewers, it also gave us hope. He showed us that we can change eberything and that it isn't too late yet. Tha consequences that id'll have if we don't change our lifgestyles surprised me a lot, and again it terrified me.

3.- I think, it doesn't matter if we are ready to change our lifestyle or not: We have to do this, and we have to do it as soon as possible.
It looks like that: We live on our planet earth, which is not only ours but also the animals one. everyone just things about the money but not were it comes from and without the earth we won't have the money that everyone loves (as it looks like) more than the earth. But what can we do with all the money if we're dead? nothing at all, thats how it looks like. We have to work together, change our lifes to make them better and to live longer on this planet. It's our duty to conserve the earth and "to repair" the damage we've done to it.

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